Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Register for the FSOT!

The registration for the new and improved Foreign Service Officer's Test (formerly the FSWE) is now open! The basic changes are as outlined in my previous post, but once you register, available slots are offered on a first come first serve basis, with a total of 5000 slots being offered during each 'window'. Registration is on a continual basis, but the available testing windows will only be offered at various times throughout the year, for a period of 8 days each. Currently they are scheduled for September and December of 2007, and March, June, August, and November of 2008.

Once you register, your registration will remain 'active' for a period of twelve months, or until the FSOT is take, whichever comes first. Applicants are permitted to take the test only once during each twelve-month period.

After the registration packet has been submitted, you will receive an email with instructions on how to secure a test seat during one of the testing windows, provided one is available. The crucial difference now is that if you are a no-show, and do not call to cancel or reschedule your test seat, you will be required to pay a $50 fee, and will not be allowed to reserve a future seat until this has been paid.

Interestingly, if you indicate on the application form that you are a speaker of a CNL (Critical Needs Language - Arabic, Chinese-Mandarin, Hindi, Persian-Dari, Persian-Farsi, or Urdu) you will additionally receive emailed instructions on how to set up a telephone interview to be tested in that language. Traditionally, this occurred after passing the FSOA, so it will be interesting to see if this still counts toward a language points bonus once they get on the register.

The rumor still says that if you've been able to pass before, you should have no difficulty passing again, but then again, that consolation is worth exactly what you just paid for it. ;)

Best of luck!

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